Joust of the Saracen (Arezzo)
The Saracen joust of Arezzo is an equestrian tournament held every year in Arezzo.
With medieval origins, this historical reenactment is disputed since 1931 and implicates the four districts into which the city is divided: the Porta Crucifera district (also known as “Colcitrone”), the Porta del Foro district (also known as Porta San Lorentino district), the Porta Sant’Andrea district and the Porta Santo Spirito district (also known as the neighbourhood of the Colombina and corresponding to the ancient district of Porta del Borgo).
The Saracen joust takes place in the Piazza Grande twice a year: the penultimate Saturday night of June, called “Giostra di San Donato” and dedicated to San Donato, the patron saint of Arezzo; and the first Sunday of September, during the day, dedicated to the sacred image of the Madonna del Conforto, patron of Arezzo, and for this reason called Giostra della Madonna del Conforto.